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And each of us have to create a business plan.


这是托福作文的原文,题目一样,要做讲稿的话开头稍作修改就可以了。 Near in the end of the Second World War, Churchill delivered his famous and the shortest speech: Never, Never Give Up. British as well as people in many other countries were tremendously encouraged, and finally went through the hardest period in human history. To nev


每个硬币都有正反两面,个体经营者组织也是如此。 个体经营者能单独获得收入,同时也得为自己的任何损失或债务承担责任。 有没有员工可以解散,但也意味着没有任何员工可以为你提供独立的动机或灵感。而且(公司的成败)太过指望于一个人的能力。 而且这种公司的资本可能会很少,所以要把它扩张至理想的大小,几乎不可能。


北京合源投资有限公司简介 The concise introduction of Beijing Heyuan Investment Limited Company 北京合源投资有限公司成立于1999年,主要致力于中国传统文化、休闲娱乐产业的开发及市场开拓。 Beijing Heyuan Investment Limited Company was founded in 1999,and it main aim is to develop and exploit the business market on Chinese traditional culture and entertainmm


广作为一种信息传递艺术,具有明确的目的性,它的主要任务在于有效地传递商品信息与服务信息,树立良好的品牌形象与企业形象,刺激消费者的购买欲望,引导消费者进行消费活动,同时给人以精神上的享受.能创造新的市场需求。广告不仅可以刺激消费者的消费欲望,促成购买行为,而且通过广告能创造新的消费观念,引导消费者去追求新的消费.策划增强企业的竞争实力。广告是现代企业在市场上展开竞争的重要手段,其独特的功效就在于创造出独特,新颖而又系统的竞争方案,从而极大提高企业的竞争优势。经过精心周密的广告策划,能对企业产品和服务的相对优势有意识地进行强调,从而达到战胜竞争对手的目的。 广告能有效地提高企业的声誉。只有树立起


I was in this business is the role of the director of finance, at the beginning of that role, in fact I didn't go to their role. From the beginning of the finance is just money, then recognize the importance of financial work. The normal operation of a company is on everyone to work hard together as