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第1句话可以改成 First, he is very kind and gets along well with others.第2行中的care应该加s,因为主语是第3人称单数。第3行中 others后面要加上系动词are,最后一行answer建议改为early reply(早日回复)



I am glad to hear of you will come to my home.

of 改成 that,或者去掉。

Welcoming to your coming!

写作 Welcome! 就可以了。

In addition, I have something will tell you.

will 改成 to,“我有一些事要告诉你”不应该这么直译[捂脸]。

First, we'll take part in activity of school.

“activity of school”看着有点不舒服,建议改成“an activity of our school”。

What's more, we will look over towntown to visit the beautiful sites in the afternoon.

towntown 什么鬼……你想说的是下午用浏览器看美丽的网站?建议写作 We will use a browser to visit the beautiful sites in the afternoon.

In the end, we could watch TV and play games or chat with each other.

从语境看,这句话是将来时态,could 换成 can。

“watch TV and play games or chat with each other” 建议改成 “watch TV, play games and chat with each other”。

I think you may will have a good experience.

两个情态动词也是够了……留下 will,去掉 may。

I am looking forward to your coming.


虽然有的地方不确定错不错,但大部分很确定(比如may will,简直了)。



首先你这篇文章的高级词汇太少了 a lot of =可以用 a large amount of 很形象的描述很多,更重要的是词汇多 或者用 numerous 对不对。 such as=同样的道理 ,例如也有很多高级词汇, for instance 这就是个比较好的高级词汇 But= 可以用 nonetheless 你看这个词看起来就很难,只要你记住,下次就可以大展身手了 或者用 whereas 第二 你的句式太单调了,废话多 不要总是we ,i的要多用复合句。比如第二句话讲作息时间的,可以这样写 The study time of whole day is from 5:20 to 21:30


Should we help strangers? (即使是标题也不用每个单词都大写,你又不是专业论文) 【大写的明显是我改的】 AT A YOUNG AGE, we WERE taught to help AS MANY PEOPLE as we can, no matter HOW LITTLE DO WE KNOW THEM. Recently, there are increasing number of people SPOKE OUT against THIS TEACHING/IDEA. Whether OR NOT we should help strangers ONCE A


请忽略句子的大小写。 建议由上至下为文章的顺序 maybe a lot of people the answer is yes 这句话有两个主语,可以改为maybe for a lot of people the answer is yes some people think that they don't ~ 用法不地道,英语中这种宾从有否定前置的用法,可以改为some people don't think ~(that 常省略) news says that 用法依然不规范, says 可换为 reads there's why they don't help others 估计你写错了,