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求全文翻译,跪求大神翻译一下 I have a dream Everyone may have his own dream.Someone

翻译: 每个人可能都有自己的梦想。一些人可能想变得富有,一些人可能想变得漂亮,还有一些人可能想拥有权力。但是我跟他们不同。我的梦想是特别的。 我想有一双翅膀,因为我想在天空中飞翔,我喜欢自由的感觉。 如果我有一双翅膀。我相信它将变得很精彩。我能在蓝天下和鸟儿一起飞翔。我能享受鸟儿的乐曲。我能飞越云层并让微风吹打在我的脸颊。这种感觉肯定就想妈妈关心我时一样。 我可以飞过大海,在彩虹下,越过森林, 我能看见所有绝妙的景象。但是我知道它将永远不被其他所替代。我想有自己的飞行器。这个飞机肯定又小又亮。它只能承载一个人。它能通过风或阳光飞翔。它能飞很长一段时间。而且重要的是它很安全。我相信终有一天我会拥


Students who volunteer 学生志愿者 Mario Green and Mary Brown from Riverside High School give up several hours each week to help others. 马里奥和马丽是河边中学的学生,他们每周都会抽出几个小时的时间去帮助别人。 Mario loves animals and wants to be an animal doctor. He volunteers at an animal hospital every Saturday morning. Mario believes it


  1. 一等二看三落空,一想二干三成功。
    2. 立足新起点,开创新局面。
    3.每天进一步,踏上成功路 。
    4. 行动是成功的开始,等待是失败的源头。
    6. 没有完美的个人,只有完美的团队。
    10. 面对变化,理性对待,充分沟通,诚意配合。
    11. 态度决定一切,细节决定成败 。

  2. 1atwo seethreefail,awant totwo drythree success.

  3. 2based on the new starting point,open up a new prospect.

  4. 3 everyfurther,set foot on thepath to success.

  5. The 4action is the start of success,waiting is the root of failure..

  6. 6there is no perfect person,the only perfect team.

  7. 7passionatechallenge life,achievement enterprise dream..

  8. 8weekdayscarefully donewell,enterprises improvefollowed.

  9. One of 900errors,one hundred percent loss.

  10. 10in the face ofchange,rational treatment,fully communicatesinceritycooperation.

  11. The 11 attitude decide everything,details determine success or failure.


RWBY is an original animation that started broadcasting over the internet on July, 2013. R, W, B, Y, represents red, white, black, and yellow, respectively, with each representing the theme color of each of the four main female characters. It is produced by RWBY group of the Rooster Teeth Production


If you say you are hungry, a friend may share half a cake with you, but a mother would give you the whole cake with concerning eyes ask you "Is this enough?" ...... If there's one person in the world, that person would be your mother, she taught you how to walk, how to use chopsticks, how to speak,