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hills are almost as much mental as physical什么意思


有历史记载以来,人类关于自然的思考和其与自然的关系,或是使人类变得渺小,或是使其变得强大;同时,或将人类与自然界分离,或将人类与循环往复的宇宙融合。 thoughts和relation作为主语,have+四个动词作谓语 还可考虑意译多一点: 在有文字记载的历史长河中,人类关于自然以及与自然的关系有着丰富的思考。种种观点和结论,使人类在大自然面前抑或变得渺小,抑或变得强大;或将人类与自然界分离,或与循环往复的宇宙相融合。


Last weekend, our school organized a social activity. We are required to find out how much the countryside has changed since the “rich-peasant policy” was carried out in the country.
The countryside takes on a new look both in living environment and mental outlook. Hills are covered with trees and gardens are filled with flowers. Rivers are clean with bridges over them, which makes the traffic very convenient. Peasants are living in the beautiful houses which are equipped with fine furniture. What impressed us most is that peasants are paying special attention to their cultural life. Because they have much money and less physical burden, they have more time for leisure. People look more energetic and younger for their age.
This activity was really a big surprise for us. What we saw in the countryside was far better than we expected.


麻烦帮忙翻译一下 谢谢啦

虽然多数的人都知道世界古代的七大奇观,但只要不多的人能说出它们的名字。这是因为除了金字塔以外其它多数已经不存在了。然而,当今世界的奇观在日益地增加。大约9年前,联合国科教文组织世界自然文化遗产名录列出411个地方为世界自然文化遗产,136个国家有责任保护它们,且名录数量还在继续增加。 通常那些地方可以成为世界自然文化遗产是由21位专家决定的,这些专家被挑选做此工作为期六年,。他们的工作是是审核和讨论来自世界各国的建议,他们还负责安排管理世界遗产基金并且有权利决定给与遗产保护国家提供帮助等事宜。在过去的数世纪里,许多的文化历史名胜被人为或被自然毁坏。保护我们的自然文化遗产是一项长期而艰巨的任务。


Brad Pitt was born in Oklahoma and raised in Springfield, Missouri. His mother's name is Jane Etta Hillhouse. His father, William (Bill) Pitt, worked in management at a trucking firm in Springfield. He has a younger brother, Douglas (Doug) Pitt and a younger sister Julie Neal Pitt. At Kickapoo High


One possible version:
Last weekend, our school organized a social activity. We are required to find out how much the countryside has changed since the “Rich Peasant Policy” was carried out in the country.
The country takes on a new look both in living environment and mental outlook. Hills are covered with green trees, and gardens are filled with flowers. Rivers are clean with bridges over them, which makes the traffic very convenient. Peasants are living in the beautiful houses which are equipped with fine furniture. What impressed us most is that peasants are paying special attention to their cultural life. Because they have much money and less physical burden, they have more time for leisure. Our parents look more energetic and younger for their age.
This activity was really a big surprise for us. What we saw in the countryside was far better than we expected.


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